Cannibis use affects teen brains

Recent published research proves that Cannabis use affects the teen brain permanently showing a permanent reduction in brain capacity of 20%. The teen brain is vulnerable and growing so of course any chemical will affect its growth and development: obvious really.

Although this is shocking news, and terrifying to those of us with children in particular, I am relieved to have confirmed unequivocably by research what is already many in my field’s experience: we KNOW that cannabis causes long-term detrimental effect because we SEE it in our client population.

What is of concern is that we are speaking against a tide of popular culture where our voices are drowned out and our teen population – our future – continue to use and abuse substances under the banner of a ‘teenage rite of passage’ ameliorated by the denial of a nation that ‘ everybody does it’ and ‘its only a bit of spliff’.

Because the arrogant and bullying approach of those using is to behave as if they are superior because of their drug use, it is very very difficult to stand out in any way, let alone as apparently square, scared, not cool. How high the cost not just to fit in but not to stand out. It reminds me of the experience of many teens I speak to in schools across the country who feel embarrassed and humiliated to say ‘No’! This population need our support.

Taking drugs doesn’t make you clever, cool or brave…it makes you stoned at best, addicted and dependent at worst; and now we know it causes long term brain damage too.

The peer pressure around this culture needs challenging. In my experience – which is extensive – Cannabis is a gateway drug and not only that it is now also proven to be permanently damaging. Wake up parents, siblings, teachers, I think the real power happens in the homes and schools. We have influence and I believe you are either in the solution or the problem; with addiction there is no middle ground: where are you?

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